Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm delighted to see that I can still post in the old Blogspot - or at least I've been able to type this. Let's see what happens when I try to post it. I'm no longer the Club President, so this is not that corner - but had to check out it's life or not. DKD

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hi, all members - We had a great opener Showcase last week, with two speakers as well on the subject "Is Film Dead?". The answer wasn't stated but pretty evident.

Our next meeting will be on Monday Oct 18, per our regular alternate-Monday schedule. The featured program will be a Showcase, where you may submit any photo taken at any time, on any subject. The deadline for submission is, as always, midnight on the previous Monday. That's tomorrow night, Oct 11, so don't miss it. You'll see our schedule for the rest of 2010 on the Club's website: under "Calendar."

If you haven't checked before, please read our standing rules for submission and sizing here: to minimize the workload in assembling the show and to assure that your photos are shown. One more reminder: please put a subject in the subject line of your email - don't send a blank and expect us to guess what it's for. You might simply use "Showcase photos" or something relevant. Thanks in advance.

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday 18th, when we'll follow the Showcase with a talk about Adobe Lightroom, the organizer/editor that's all the rage for photographers. See you there.
DKD - Pres.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our season starts Oct 4 !!

Hello all readers - We have had to delay our start because of a foulup at MD Hall that made our room unavailable on the long-announced Sept 20 date. Everyone's sorry we couldn't get started then, because we can't make up that date. But those of you that did come that evening had a nice talk outside in beautiful weather - so all was not lost.

Instead, we'll hold our Showcase of all the images you've sent in, and some more that may come in because of extending the deadline. The new deadline is tomorrow night Sept 27, as announced in our email broadcast this past week. So if you are still hoping to show, get up to three images sent to before midnight.

Looking forward to another great set of events - Showcases, Challenges, Field Trips, and Exhibits. See you there and say hello.

DKD - Pres.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome to DPCA's New Season: '10-11

Hi, all Members !! That's a capital M because you are what makes the Club run. On the Board, we're getting ready for our meetings, with our off-season spent in getting some business things done.

Thanks to our new Treasurer, Tom Boddorff, we now have our finances back from the Club's beginning operational on Quicken, and we're looking forward to Tom's designing an online membership application system to avoid pre-meeting signup work. Our corporate tax returns are filed and the annual insurance paid. Soon we'll have the room rental contract from MD Hall negotiated, signed, and delivered.

Thanks to Laurie Brice we're looking forward to using a new computer (the first one is aging at 5 years) to get us more Net-aware in meetings starting in October.

Thanks to our new VP Programs Dan Tasikas our season's meetings are beginning to take shape. The first one will be, as always, a Showcase. In these programs, members send up to three images to before midnight - this time Sept 13 (just a week away) and we present them to the club meeting the following week - this time at our first meeting, Sept 20. Please size your photos to about 1280 pixels wide, and files no more than 1 MB to keep our work and storage down. Thanks.

Our meetings will be held in the same place as last year - Room 308 at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Annapolis, from 7-9 pm on alternate Mondays (in general). We always have to have some skips in schedule to avoid MD Hall holidays, but those don't start until next year.

Events that never are in the same place are VP Field Trips Matt Korbelak's excursions that happen now and then, and are announced on the Home Page and at meetings.

I encourage all to bookmark the DPCA Home Page:, and visit it regularly for news. We'd like to get out of the need for Yahoo email broadcasts that we have to make in addition to Blogs and the Home page. But we'll keep it going as a reminder for you. The Home Page has all the Blogs linked at the lower right. There's where the local detail can be found, including tech instructions.

That's all for now and I wish you a great weekend in this wonderful Labor Day weather.

DKD - Pres.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Come to our final meeting of the year !

Hi, all - Our meeting Monday night June 21 will include a great speaker, Stan Stearns, a long-experienced portrait - and other subjects - photographer from Annapolis. You won't want to miss this talk and show.

We'll start with the annual business meeting, which includes election of officers for next season. Jay Alden has headed up the Nominations Committee to get the slate ready to present to members at this meeting. That makes it quick and easy to proceed, and be ready to start the next year in an orderly way. I'll enjoy introducing the officers to you, in case that's not happened yet for you. The new Board will take office on July 1.

After Stan's talk, we'll have some more interesting things to do, including showing and commenting on the "Top Twenty" photos of the year as chosen by your humble president.

It's one time where I get to express my opinions, after listening and learning from others all year and observing so many great photos. By my count, we showed 785 photos not counting the exhibitions, so winnowing them to twenty gets to be a real task. I'm down to 29 on this Sunday evening. It's disappointing to have so much to say about the best photos and yet have to cut further. Maybe it should be 30 next time?

There is still time to join for next year and save $5, at the meeting. When the meeting's over, regular $25 fee applies, and we stand down for the summer, starting up again on Sept 20.

Be sure to come and fill out our quorum needs to make it a valid vote. So we'll see you Monday night at 7. Thanks - you'll enjoy it.

DKD - Pres.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meeting tomorrow June 7 is our Cemeteries Challenge

Hi, all - Three items here:

1 - Our meeting for the Cemetery Challenge review is up for tomorrow June 7. There were 90 entries (!), so we'll be cropping the list down to your first two priorities for our guest reviewer, Chip Bulgin, to take a moment for comments on the remaining 60. Hope you're happy about your prioritizing - that's what it's for. Thanks for your enthusiasm on this Challenge topic.

In addition, we'll have a couple of minutes of comments and photos by a local photographer/author, whose subject for three published books is - guess what - cemeteries ! John Hanou attended a photo course here several years ago, started traveling the US to record his impressions of cemeteries, and recently has retired. He'll show a few of his photos as well when the Challenge is finished and bring some books.

2 - This meeting is an opportunity to make your re-application for next year's membership easy and economical. As announced at the last meeting, we're continuing our tradition of former years in discounting dues for early payment. Our regular annual dues are $25, but if you sign up and pay prior to the end of our season's last meeting, June 21, you will save $5 by paying only $20 for the full year. This helps the Club with its cash flow because we have some bills to pay in September before we start the year (Sept 20 first meeting).

Please bring a completed membership application (download one from our site at, print and pre-fill it out). Everyone - new or re-apps, must fill out a form. Thanks. If you don't have a form ready, we'll have them at the front desk to fill out (bring a pen). Don't forget a check for $20, too.

3 - A three-person nominating committee is required during the next week to contact prospective new officers for next season, and for presenting a slate to members at the elections meeting June 21. A nominating committee member cannot be elected, of course, but that cuts both ways. If you're sure you don't want to be considered for the office of President, VP Programs, VP Field Trips, Treasurer, or Secretary, you're eligible to volunteer for this committee.

You need to know something about our members from being a pretty regular meeting attendee and observing those who are sincerely interested in our Club's goals and operations. Then you meet to decide on making some phone-call discussions and set up the slate. It could be very easy if you think about the prospects. Please let me know before the close of the meeting if you're volunteering - otherwise I'll make some directed appointments, and I'd rather not. Thanks for your attention to this.

Our last meeting of the season promises to be extraordinarily interesting. We need large attendance to be sure we have a quorum to vote for officers, so the speaker(s) have been chosen for your very high interest. No, I'm not giving away the secret - that's Mike Kellogg's job. But put this meeting at your highest priority and you won't regret it.

See you there tomorrow and June 21st.

DKD - Pres.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Next Meeting is a Challenge !!

Hi, all - Our next meeting is on June 7. It will be a Challenge review with the theme "Cemeteries". So why this subject? Mike wants to really challenge your creativity. Of course you can take photos of gravestones, but where else and what else can you shoot that still connects with the theme? There are different kinds of "cemeteries" in meaning but not with that actual name, for example. And what about the basic cemetery in moonlight with a few bats thrown in? Creativity.

Challenge submission rules can be found in this blog if you scroll down far enough in earlier dates for this season.

You have until Monday night May 31 at midnight to submit your shots. Many are already in. The Club's submission deadlines are always one week before the review meeting. The reviewer for this Challenge will be Skip Bulgin, a commercial photographer and current president of the Arundel Camera Club.

It should be fun. See you there on June 7.