Thursday, August 27, 2009

DPCA starts up again with a new season !!

Welcome to the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis. This is the President's place to talk about the great things we'll be doing throughout this coming year. You can also find here ways to get around to other Club officers' blogs and see what we've done in past meetings as well as where the schedule for meetings and field trips are, and more. You can do this and much more if you go to our Club web page: and look around.

Our first Club meeting on September 21, 2009 will kick off the new season. We'll meet in the same place and day/time as last year: Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Room 308 at 7 pm on alternate Mondays. During the year there will be two shifts in Mondays that we meet in order to miss the several holidays occurring on Mondays, but that's all done for you in the posted schedule.

For program announcements and items, see our VP Programs, Mike Kellogg's, blog at We anticipate starting a VP Field Trips blog this year for our leader in this, Matt Korbelak. At the first meeting we'll introduce these folks. And there's always been a Tech Blog written by Laurie Brice, Tech Director, that tells you how and what to do in communicating with members. These are accessed at the lower right on the Home page.

On Sept 21, we'll have a Summer Showcase, where any member can show up to three of his/her images and tell us how, where, and why they took them. This was our most popular function last year, giving our members a chance to show off their travels and skills. If you didn't really take those photos this summer, that's OK - Showcases are for photos from any time, any place, but they are ones you're proud enough of to show to your friends who appreciate the medium and the infinite potential approaches each of us can take to subject matter.

More later, but ink in - not pencil - that Sep 21st evening. We'll have a short business meeting for members to see and approve our season's budget, so we need you to be there. We expect a great start to the season!