Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Events and Snowouts

Well ! who'd think that holiday events would include all this snow? Glad we didn't encounter it for a meeting date.

In case we do have snow on a meeting day, check MD Hall's site
for closings. If MD Hall closes all day or early, we can't meet that evening. (AACC or City Gov't closings do not apply to MD Hall, and not all AA Cty closings apply to MD Hall). This weekend, some ballet performances were postponed until Monday evening, although schools and MD Hall were closed during the day. Only authority? MD Hall. I won't know any more than that.

Snow might be a basis for some subject matter for the Holiday Events Challenge coming on Jan 11. The snow today is ideal to make snowmen, but I haven't seen any yet. Hope they do.

Your DPCA Board wishes you a happy holiday and that camera or lens of your dreams under the tree! Well - maybe a nice piece of software, like Lightroom? It's come down in price but it's even cheaper if you can show that you're a student in anything. Go for it at

Again, happy holidays and shoot some good ones for the Challenge. Submission deadline is midnight Jan 4, to Please note the "net" at the end. Some submissions are already in so keep it in mind. See you next year.

Monday, December 7, 2009

HDTV Camera info site

Hi, shooters - I've come upon a website that further explains the talk by Tom Sullivan at the last meeting. For his slides go to:

He spoke on how HDTV is very rapidly developing into a permanent fixture for still cameras. This site: has some fundamentals about the various formats and where they are used. It doesn't review cameras - yet - but they will. That's what they do at dpreview.

If you're wondering what to do with that HDTV capability that's on your present or next camera, here's a starting point.

Always learning something -- that's what we're all about.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Another chance at the MG Photo Show

Hi, all - My post below told of a great portrait photography show now on at the Mitchell Gallery, St. John's College, in Annapolis. Robert Infarinato is a tireless collector who will travel anywhere to purchase a great photograph by a master. His collection is first, unique, and second, and most interesting. See an Ansel Adams original that will take your breath away.

A few of us visited the Gallery to hear him at the opening reception, but he is coming back on Dec 2 to give his interesting talk again at 7pm. See for details.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Challenge Rules again

In case you've forgotten or can't find the Challenge rules, here they are again (they're the same as last year).

The subject of your photo should clearly indicate the theme of the Challenge - for example, in the Action Challenge there should clearly be some action. Without that, the reviewer may comment that this image wasn't made for this show.

You can submit 1 to 3 JPEG images taken by you between the announcement date of the Challenge (usually done at the previous Challenge) and the Monday at midnight one week prior to the date of the current Challenge. So you generally have five weeks to shoot.

Any image size in pixels is acceptable; best ~1200 px on the long side, because it will fill our presentation screen. Larger images will be downsized by the presentation computer to fit the screen, and smaller ones may be upsized but may show small on the screen or pixellated and possibly blurry. If you crop your original down, take a look at the image size that remains. You may want to upsize it yourself, in say, Photoshop Elements.

The file size is best to be under 1MB. They will transfer and show faster, and will take less storage space on our computer and the website. The file size is adjustable by the size of the image, the resolution you choose, and how much JPG compression is used. Images straight from your camera may be up to 5 MB, but all that data isn't used on a screen.

You can downsize your images and their file size with several free programs, including Irfanview, Picasa, and Faststone. I find Faststone easiest to use. If you use "Save for Web" in Adobe products it will strip off the EXIF date and we won't be able to see your camera's settings. Not a disaster, but we'll miss that info.

Rename the files with your name and your priority numbers (e.g., john smith 1, john smith 2, john smith 3). Please don't put a caption or description in the filename - it just has to be renamed. On Windows, if you highlight the filename pressing the key "F2" will generally make the name accessible for change, then press Enter.

Then email them to:

Sometimes you want to avoid any possibility that they would be shown or used somewhere without your knowledge. If you don’t want them posted, say so in the email: "Please don't post these on the Club's website" and we'll show them but not post them.

The presentation will be reviewed at the meeting by a non-member expert in art or photography with some experience in shooting that kind of photograph. It's always interesting to hear what others think of what you've tried to express with your camera.

Thanks for following the rules - it makes less work here in preparing the show, and the images will look their best.

DKD - Pres.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Photos Shows Coming

Hi - Photo show lovers. The Mitchell Gallery at St. John's College in Annapolis will be opening a new show, this time: photographs!

It's called "The Camera's Muse," exhibiting portraits by world-famous photographers. These prints of famous people have been collected over many years and places by Robert Infarinato, who will talk about them on Nov 1 at the Gallery, 3:30-5 including a hands-on workshop. Here's a chance to see first-hand portraits by the great masters of photography, right here in town. If you can't get there that day, visit almost any afternoon until 5. See

The National Gallery in DC also has two photography exhibitions now open: "In the Darkroom: Photographic Processes", and another portrait photography show: "Robert Bergman: Portraits, 1986–1995"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our Next Showcase is Soon !!

Hi - We have another opportunity for you to shine! Our next showcase comes up at the November 2 meeting and that's only nine days away. That means your submissions for that Showcase need to be in very soon - always one week before.

The good news: we're going to delay the deadline this time by two days to give you a chance to sort out all those candidates and choose your three shots. The new deadline will be midnight Wednesday Oct 28, but it would sure be nice if you didn't wait past the regular Monday night deadline. Remember that address to email them to - its' simple:

Unless you say no in the submission email, these will be posted on our website. So please size your photos to 1024-1200 pixels on the longest side. They'll look good and won't be a big file to store or transmit. Even if you use an email program or Windows Explorer to resize, set it one of these numbers to do that task. Thanks. Can't wait to see your stuff.

Now - on to the current Challenge. To help out with your thoughts and techniques for Action photography - the theme - Mike Kellogg has chosen a program for the next meeting with action as the subject. He'll tell you more on his blog You can access this blog directly from the club website at any time - it's in the lower right corner.

When you're ready to send those Action Challenge photos in, they go to another simple address: Make sure you don't mix up the addresses - either showcase or challenge will do it. They're due before midnight November 9th, one week before the Challenge meeting on Nov 16th. We'll announce soon who it will be that gets to comment on all these images at the Challenge meeting.

Thanks for all this activity - we all not only love to see your photos but often get inspired by what we see on that screen. Your Club's programs separate out the easy stuff - Showcases - from your going on a time-limited assignment based on a theme - Challenges. The latter gets you to expand your thinking a little bit and make just a few good, directed shots. Don't wait until the last minute as I do - think about how good you can be at this and get out there early !!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 19th meeting coming

Whew! Did you get all the submissions in last Monday? We have the opportunity to show two of your images framed and hung at the Bella Gallery for the Christmas season, and to show three of your photos at the upcoming Showcase meeting. Both of those sets of images were due in last Monday, Oct 12. But if you did submit some, you've now got some nice outlets for your talents.

So, on our program for this coming Monday evening is another Showcase, where for the first hour you will see and hear about 70 or so images made by members. Showcase images can come from any time, any place, any subject (including film scans, but do them well). I get to see them first, and I'll tell you they're good.

If the Field Trip gets rained out, we won't have anything to show for our try on Saturday. But we'll have Laurie Brice, Tech Director, to round out info for you about our Club's communications capabilities. At the last meeting we heard from our Webmeister, Mike DeLucia, who took us around our Web page.

Are you a Photoshop user? No, I mean the big Photoshop, not Elements. No? Have you wondered whether you should move over there from Photoshop Elements? What are the advantages of using the big program? Is it worth the extra cost and learning time? Mike Kellogg has a talk for you on the differences between the two. Don't miss.

See you on Monday evening.

Don Dement, Pres.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Challenge Change

Hi, all members. Maybe my recent trip to Maine set me onto the track about Creative Fall Colors for the Challenge. But I think now there won't be enough shooting time for our colors here to change. So I'm going to eat those words spoken at the meeting and revert to the original Challenge subject: Action photography.

Please be sure you are clear on the Challenge theme now - it's Action photography. We're going to prime that with a program speaker on this, so you'll get some better ideas on what to do.

I apologize for any confusion this could cause, but I think it will be easier and more fun to do the Action and let the leaves wait for a Showcase if you choose to shoot them.

All other conditions are the same for the Challenge, and the dates are on the slides from last meeting. Thanks for your attention to this and see you on the 19th

Don Dement, Pres.

PS - Don't forget that we have a Showcase coming, and the deadline for submissions is this coming Monday at midnight. You'll also receive a note about submissions for the Exhibit at the Bella gallery. That deadline is also Monday night, Oct 12. Submissions info can be found on the blog: by Robbie.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Showcase Coming Up Oct 19th

Hello again - We had a speaker at this Monday's meeting that showed many of us prints that we haven't even imagined. Some were made on materials like heavy rag paper, wood veneer, and even metal sheets. Some were colored/painted by hand after the photo was printed on the material. It was remarkable simply as a process, and so were the beautiful results. Thanks to Barbara Ellison we got a glimpse into another aspect of how we can render our photos through an experienced expert's talk.

The next meeting, Oct 19, will have a Showcase. Watch out for the short schedule because the deadline for submissions to is this coming Monday Oct 12, one week ahead of the presentation as usual. So with this great weather you can make new photos now, or you can scare up something from your archives that you think is more impressive. You could even work on it with some creativity and make something new from something old. That's what showcases can do for you - make a target date to show us something no one has seen before.

All in the same evening Mike Kellogg, VP Programs, will give us some info on the differences between Photoshop CS 4 and Photoshop Elements. And we'll hear more about our club's communications from Laurie Brice, Tech Director.

In the meantime - speaking of short schedules - we all need to pay attention to the deadline on that same day for your submission (an electronic version) of whatever you'd like to show framed at the Bella Photo Art and Framing Gallery over the Christmas buying season.

Sound like a good time to sell something? It's the best.

All the important dates for the exhibit were shown by Robbie on Monday night but they're also here online: as part of the last meeting's presentations. Just run down through these slides to the Important Dates one.

So here are a couple of things for you to do on Columbus Day. Keep your eye on Monday, 13th for 1-3 submissions to the Showcase, and one or two entries to the juried show coming up for Nov-Dec. Is this a busy and involved club or what? Have fun.

Please don't forget my invitation for someone to step forward and become the Club's Treasurer. We must have someone in that office, and soon. Thanks for anyone considering it, and I'll be glad to chat with you to scope it out. I'll hound you all about this until we come up with a solution, so the sooner you volunteer, the sooner I'll get off the soapbox.

Don Dement - Pres.

PS - You can always go back and see in some detail what past meetings have done. Poke around on the website under the "Calendar" dropdown, which is where this URL came from.

And if you "follow" (over on the right side) my blog that you're reading, you'll get these notes without forgetting to take a look. It would make life easier for all of us if we could just post these notes, without email. Let's make that a habit. Try following. I follow other blogs in our club and it makes sense.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Next Meeting Oct 5

Been out of touch on a vacation trip to Maine (again) - 2d half. Great views and shooting opps in and around Mt. Desert Island. Back home for the meeting and starting the teaching season.

On Monday evening we'll be hearing a fine speaker about creative printing, Barbara Ellison. You can read about her on Mike's blog:

We'll catch up with that short business meeting that I noted for last meeting - all the facts weren't in at that time. It's important for the Club that we agree on the season's budget. At this meeting, I expect most of our officers will be back from their trips, too, so you can see who they are and hear from them about our programs, exhibitions, field trips, and our website and blogs.

We'll also be announcing the first Challenge of the season, where you get to shoot "on assignment" about a particular theme in a period of a few weeks, choose your photos to show, and hear from an expert reviewer about them.

We have a very short schedule for getting "Your Best Shot" together for the first exhibit, which will be at Bella Photo Art and Framing Gallery. There will be more on this from Robbie, our Exhibition Committee Chair, on what to do.

So come early (6:30) and have a chat with your friends, and I'll see you there.

Don Dement

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Meeting coming up - it's a Showcase

Hi, all DPCA members and those who would like to enjoy the benefits of a good photography club. We're starting our season on Sept 21 at Maryland Hall, Annapolis, MD in Room 308 at 7 pm.

The evening will start with a very short business meeting for the presentation and approval of the coming year's budget. Then we'll get into photography by showing members' photos in a "Showcase." This title means the photos could have been taken at any time and there's no theme. You may want to show recent photos from summer events in your life, but if not there's no time limit for them.

There will be no formal review but we all like to talk about our pictures, so we'll have an open floor comment on all of them. We'll follow that with some other interesting topics. We'll be closing the meeting at 9 pm but you can stay and chat for a little while. In fact, we hope you can come a little early as well.

The images need to get to me before the meeting so I can make up the show. Deadline for that is Wednesday, Sep 16 at midnight. This may be short notice for some, but after all, you've taken photos all summer, haven't you? Let's see the best.

How Showcases Work

The goal of the Showcase is to have members choose three pictures of any subject or subjects and have them projected in a slide show at a meeting. The pictures can have been taken at anytime. Each member's three images will be displayed in your order (1, 2, 3) and the photographer will be asked by the moderator if they would like to comment on their pictures. Each contributor will have up to one minute total to discuss their images. There is no requirement to speak, but we'd all like to hear the pictures' background, why you selected them and what you might have learned in taking the pictures. Ordinarily we post all the pictures on our web page soon after the meeting. Again, your choice.

Please follow the simple procedures here - they haven't changed from last year.

Submission Procedures:

* Up to three JPEG image files (any size or resize to 1024pixels maximum on a side to keep the file size reasonably small) - must be jpegs.
* Rename the files with your name and a sequence number (i.e., john-smith-1, john-smith-2, john-smith-3)
* Email files to by Wednesday, Sep 16 (don't be late)
- If you don't want your pictures in the club website gallery put the phrase "Don't publish my pictures on the club website" in your submission email.

A Note About Web Galleries

Images posted on web galleries are subject to being copied and used inappropriately by others and without the photographer's permission. We've taken some steps to ameliorate this problem by using an Adobe Flash gallery and downsizing the pictures to 800 pixels max on a side before posting. These measures are only an inconvenience to pirates. The fact is anyone with the will can digitally copy an image from a screen. I've personally decided to post my images in the club gallery. To me it is worth the benefits from sharing. Everyone should make their own decision about the risk versus the reward and decide whether to post or not.

Double Check

We want to make sure that everyone's pictures make it into the show. Check the following when you email your pics.

* You should receive an automatic email reply something like:

“Your email was received. If you attached images to the email they were also received. Glad you're participating! This is an automatically created response. Please don't reply to this message. We will contact you if there is any issue with your submission. Thanks.”

* You should receive a second short personal email during the week before the showcase or challenge when the pictures are added to the slide show.

* Unless you requested to not post your pictures in a club website gallery your pictures will be included on the club website right after the meeting. If you have second thoughts about the web gallery or have other questions please email me at

That's it. Hope you'll submit up to three images, and come see everyone's on the screen. Enjoy the evening.

Don Dement - President

Thursday, August 27, 2009

DPCA starts up again with a new season !!

Welcome to the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis. This is the President's place to talk about the great things we'll be doing throughout this coming year. You can also find here ways to get around to other Club officers' blogs and see what we've done in past meetings as well as where the schedule for meetings and field trips are, and more. You can do this and much more if you go to our Club web page: and look around.

Our first Club meeting on September 21, 2009 will kick off the new season. We'll meet in the same place and day/time as last year: Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Room 308 at 7 pm on alternate Mondays. During the year there will be two shifts in Mondays that we meet in order to miss the several holidays occurring on Mondays, but that's all done for you in the posted schedule.

For program announcements and items, see our VP Programs, Mike Kellogg's, blog at We anticipate starting a VP Field Trips blog this year for our leader in this, Matt Korbelak. At the first meeting we'll introduce these folks. And there's always been a Tech Blog written by Laurie Brice, Tech Director, that tells you how and what to do in communicating with members. These are accessed at the lower right on the Home page.

On Sept 21, we'll have a Summer Showcase, where any member can show up to three of his/her images and tell us how, where, and why they took them. This was our most popular function last year, giving our members a chance to show off their travels and skills. If you didn't really take those photos this summer, that's OK - Showcases are for photos from any time, any place, but they are ones you're proud enough of to show to your friends who appreciate the medium and the infinite potential approaches each of us can take to subject matter.

More later, but ink in - not pencil - that Sep 21st evening. We'll have a short business meeting for members to see and approve our season's budget, so we need you to be there. We expect a great start to the season!