Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Events and Snowouts

Well ! who'd think that holiday events would include all this snow? Glad we didn't encounter it for a meeting date.

In case we do have snow on a meeting day, check MD Hall's site
for closings. If MD Hall closes all day or early, we can't meet that evening. (AACC or City Gov't closings do not apply to MD Hall, and not all AA Cty closings apply to MD Hall). This weekend, some ballet performances were postponed until Monday evening, although schools and MD Hall were closed during the day. Only authority? MD Hall. I won't know any more than that.

Snow might be a basis for some subject matter for the Holiday Events Challenge coming on Jan 11. The snow today is ideal to make snowmen, but I haven't seen any yet. Hope they do.

Your DPCA Board wishes you a happy holiday and that camera or lens of your dreams under the tree! Well - maybe a nice piece of software, like Lightroom? It's come down in price but it's even cheaper if you can show that you're a student in anything. Go for it at

Again, happy holidays and shoot some good ones for the Challenge. Submission deadline is midnight Jan 4, to Please note the "net" at the end. Some submissions are already in so keep it in mind. See you next year.

Monday, December 7, 2009

HDTV Camera info site

Hi, shooters - I've come upon a website that further explains the talk by Tom Sullivan at the last meeting. For his slides go to:

He spoke on how HDTV is very rapidly developing into a permanent fixture for still cameras. This site: has some fundamentals about the various formats and where they are used. It doesn't review cameras - yet - but they will. That's what they do at dpreview.

If you're wondering what to do with that HDTV capability that's on your present or next camera, here's a starting point.

Always learning something -- that's what we're all about.